Stress Is My Middle Name (for now)


I’m here… and just barely.

Work is crazy stressful right now… like… crazy. We have our annual art show at the end of next week, which requires a massive amount of preparation and extra hours (unpaid of course). There’s also just a lot of other stuff going on, and I’m being pulled in about 1,000 different directions.

On top of that, the Bodypump 81 launch is tomorrow. I’m SUPER excited about it, but just really anxious because it will be my first time teaching the new launch (!!) and will just be able to breathe a big sigh of relief when it’s done. I’ve been practicing the choreography daily, and think I have it nailed… we’ll see.

This is pretty much how I have looked the majority of this week:

But, I’m trying to buck up and put on a happy face.

*Note the massive bags under my eyes…..

So here are three things that are making me smile:

1. This bar that I had to fuel me up before teaching Spin + Bodypump yesterday afternoon:

Good golly Miss Molly, this was GOOD! And the ingredients made me very happy, too!


2. I’m going to see Colin Hay in concert tonight. He’s the singer from Men at Work, and one of my favorite artists of all time. His solo career is amazing and his voice is just one of a kind. If you’re not familiar with him, check him out, or add him to your Pandora stations (which will play music from artists like Matt Kearney, Jack Johnson and Coldplay).

Greg and I have gone to see him every April for the last five years. The photo above was from 2009, when we got to meet him afterwards!

We are bringing my mom and stepdad with us tonight (and it’s my stepdad’s 60th birthday today!!!), which will be awesome.


3. In exactly two weeks, I will be standing in this very spot.

’nuff said.


I’m going to try to tame the stress monster over the next few days and give myself a break. I took tomorrow off since I will be out late tonight and will need to practice Bodypump choreography all day tomorrow. I’m going to try to make this weekend last as long as it possibly can, and try to not even think about the stress and chaos that awaits me when I return to work on Monday….

See ya soon!

20 Comments on “Stress Is My Middle Name (for now)”

  1. I hope today is a great day for you. I can only imagine how stressful things are but it’s great that you’re focusing on the postitive.

    The concert tonight should be interesting since Greg Ham was found dead yesterday (Men at Work band member).

    Keep smiling!

  2. Hang in there and have fun! I think this is a stressful time of year for a lot of people. My eyes are twitching I’m so tired and stressed πŸ™‚

  3. Awww, I hate stress!! I love that you can focus on the positives though… like yummy bars and COLORAOD… woot woot! Those are beautiful pics, btw. And you know what I REALLY love???? That you used: “Good golly Miss Molly” in a sentence πŸ™‚ Have a great day, girlie! -Kel

  4. Heather @ Better With Veggies says:

    Oh wow – that picture makes me so excited for Colorado – hope these next two weeks go by quickly, I can’t wait! πŸ™‚

  5. cottercrunch says:

    PLease come get me! i want to come!! COLORADO will be amazing friend. xxoo

  6. Corrie Anne says:

    I love Colin Hay!!! Have fun!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. I could barely breathe when I was working on Christmas/Spring concerts – I would get soo stressed!! Glad to see the smile. And loving the instagrams!

  7. WOW, girl! You do have a lot on your plate–but just think about HOW lucky you are to get to launch 81?! SO fun. I really liked that release! I am SO excited for you. you’ll get into that “zone” and it will just fly by awesomely–promise. It always does for me too πŸ™‚ HAVE FUN!

  8. Sorry your so stressed… but we will be in CO soon!!! πŸ™‚

    One of those Two Degrees bars is in my desk right now. So good!

  9. dude I randomly saw colin hay in NYC one year!!! That’ll be fun! BTW work sucks for me right now too…for the first time in my career I feel like I’m not good enough. 😦 Cheer up buttercup! Colorado in a few weeks!

  10. Keep your head up! You are just around the corner from Colorado! πŸ™‚

  11. Maren says:

    I would be 9 ways of stressed out too if I lived your life. Teaching things is stressful! I freak out every year before basketball season starts and I have to make practice plans. You’ll do awesome though.

  12. Hope you are able to relax and de-stress a bit this weekend!!!!

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