
After work today, I jetted over to the store and bought this:

I didn’t buy two copies of the movie for ME… the DVD is for a co-worker that asked me to pick her up a movie as well. I saw the movie with my mom last spring and have been dying for it to come out on dvd.

And those bastards at the store threw in these for free for buying the movies:

Thanks. I really needed 2 giant bags of M&Ms.


Dinner was simple, a salad with Whole Foods Tuscan chicken sausage:

And beer that tastes like BACON.

Yes, bacon.

It was actually nice out tonight, but we didn’t eat outside. I normally don’t like to eat in front of the tv, but I just couldn’t wait to watch Bridesmaids!

Greg hadn’t seen it before, and I was dying for him to watch it so that he would “get it” when I referenced quotes. 🙂

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